Whether you go for short walks, attend fitness classes or workout in the gym. At some point, those same exercises will lose their effectiveness. Or maybe you have gotten so used to the exercises you are doing that it has left you feeling bored and uninspired?

Its time to change things up.

The best way to continue to see results in your fitness regime or your workouts is to mix things up. It will not only keep you on your toes but it will continue to show you the results you want. It will inspire you to continue on your fitness path.

Here are my top 5 tips for improving your fitness levels. I hope they help?


Set Goals

Having a goal, or several small goals to aim for is so instrumental in keeping your mind and body focused and motivated. Try a different class. Swim a little faster, add some hill climbs to your HIIT routines. Go for a walk at lunchtime, attend a class online once the kids are asleep. Make yourself accountable for those goals.

Just make sure the goals you setting are achievable for you



Yes. sleep. Did you know It’s an important element of a fitness regime? I have seen so many people that have fantastic workout regimes, eat a healthy diet but they still struggle to maintain their fitness levels or even increase them. Keep in mind, A lack of sleep directly affects the body in a not so positive way. The body cannot repair itself fully and effectively from your workouts without adequate sleep.


Have Fun

Even if you are trying to increase your fitness levels, or make a difference in how you look or how you feel. Having fun is so important. Your workouts shouldn’t feel like your sitting an exam, or that they are so tedious your mind continues to wander? Find the fun in your workouts. After all who wants to keep at it, if it’s not fun?


Frequency, Intensity

How many times do you workout? 2 or three? Try adding an extra day. If you run for 20 minutes why not try 30. If you always do the same 45-minute class, try swapping for an hour-long class instead.

Be honest with yourself, ask yourself the question “Aim I Pushing Myself” or does this feel easy. Can I work a bit harder? If the answer is YES. Do it.


Same Exercises = Same Results

It’s so easy to stay with what we know, the same class at the same time each week. The same route to run by, the same at home exercises. Complacency doesn’t and will not get you the results you want. If you want a different result, you need to come out of your fitness comfort zone.




About Niki Wibrow

Niki is a Health, Fitness, Lifestyle Influencer specialising in helping ladies post 40. In addition to founding the award-winning 404040 Plan, Niki has become a well recognised face within the fitness, wellness industries. She is a regular contributor to many TV and radio shows, and has worked with major brands such as Netflix, Matalan, Fabletics And This Works.

For more health, wellness and workout tips you can follow Niki here.




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