Who doesn’t like a sweet, deliciously moist and yummy muffin? Unfortunately, most muffins we consume are laden with heavy fats and sugars. These banana...
You don’t need to feel deprived this pancake day. Try our delicious easy to create Banana and Raspberry Pancakes. You only need a few simple ingredients, two bowls, and...
These flapjacks are a firm favourite in my house and on the 404040 Plan too. And to be honest, this is the recipe I get asked the most about. All my friends adore it and often...
It can feel a little overwhelming with such conflicting information available on the world wide web. Some experts will tell you to never eat carbs after 8 pm others to eat...
Lunch Is On Me Are you ever stuck for lunch ideas? I know I am. It’s a constant back and forth, what shall I have, what do I fancy, arghh I had that yesterday. I was...
Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner On Us Try out the 404040 Plan for yourself. For the first time, we are giving away 3 delicious recipes from the plan for you to try....