If you’re anything like me mornings are a hive of activity. There’s hardly any time to stop and think let alone prepare a nutritional breakfast. Its no wonder that over 25% of the UK population skip breakfast.

Having something quick and easy to prepare is the key. Try this yummy sweet and sour avocado, packed full of anti-aging ingredients (Vitamin E, potassium and heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids)



.  One Medium sized avocado

.  One tablespoon Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

.  One tablespoon Of Light Soy Sauce

.  One tablespoon of Fresh Lemon Juice

.  Quarter teaspoon of runny honey



In a small bowl add all the wet ingredients together, whisk until thoroughly blended. Gently half a ripe avocado, discard the seed.

Gently pour the sweet and sour mix over the avocado and enjoy.





Click HERE to start your 404040 journey with us. And receive 40 delicious healthy, anti-aging recipes just like this one.

40 Recipes 40 Exercises 40 Days – The 404040 Plan specifically designed for ladies over the age of 40



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